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The Power of Love: What’s Possible

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Just a couple of hours ago, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the U.S. Constitution guarantees a right to marriage to all citizens.


As our office erupted into cheers, high-fives (and some tears), those of us who have been following this struggle for the past two decades looked at each other in disbelief. It was only 15 years ago that Vermont’s legislature created civil unions as a first step, followed by Massachusetts’ landmark legalization of same-sex marriage in 2003. This graphic from Vox shows the swift spread of state-level same-sex marriage across the U.S.


Through citizen action, tireless advocacy, and a powerful, person-focused effort, advocates for same-sex marriage have made their case to the American public – and ultimately the Supreme Court – that love is a civil right, and that citizens are entitled to marry each other and enjoy the legal benefits that brings. Period.


We are so proud that the United States has joined the 20 other nations around the world that recognize this right.


The speed of this change and the power and passion of the citizen action that drove it gives us hope and energy for our work. We have shown that ordinary Americans can take powerful action on issues that matter to them, and they can push their neighbors and their government.


Now, let’s harness that energy and passion to create the livable, resilient, sustainable communities we must have to survive a changing climate. Together!