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China Deep Decarbonization and Equitable Long-term Strategies Alliance (China DELTA)

In September 2020, China was the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, with 10.67 billion metric tons released into the atmosphere. To mitigate this environmental impact, China pledged to reduce its net carbon emissions to zero by 2060. China’s commitment to achieving carbon neutrality will require national policies underpinning transformation at the city level.  At this sub-national level, the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) applies expertise in clean energy and low-emissions city programming

ISC has worked with urban communities throughout  China since 2007 to advance carbon neutrality . In 2020, we partnered with the Swedish Postcode Foundation to implement the Deep Decarbonization & Equitable Long-Term Strategies Alliance program (“China DELTA”). China DELTA provides local governing bodies and community leaders with the skills and experience to identify, prioritize, plan for, and implement decarbonization strategies over the long term.  

DELTA will dramatically reduce climate emissions and mitigate the scope of global climate disruption by supporting China’s achievement of its 2060 Carbon Neutrality Pledge.


Pan Tao, staff
Pan Tao, Ph.D
China Program Director
Xiaoling (Megan) Yu
Chief China Representative

I believe that harnessing our curiosity will be the (carbon-neutral) engine for driving innovative solutions and mobilizing communities to meet the ambitions of climate change goals. 

-Pan Tao, Ph.D, China Program Director, ISC

ISC’s Model: Equitable, Scalable, Ambitious

China DELTA is the first project of its kind to support Chinese cities in a wholesale rethinking of their societal and economic practices and create a specific roadmap to deliver on China’s carbon neutrality pledge. 

China DELTA  equips three pilot cities — Tianjin, Changsha, and Guangzhou — with a comprehensive Urban 2060 Carbon Neutrality Roadmap that will:  

  • Identify concrete steps over the next 3-5 years to reduce GHG emissions and advance progress toward carbon neutrality.
  • Provide a comprehensive, cutting-edge roadmap of long-term urban development strategies that will achieve equitable carbon neutrality by 2060 (and identify ways the city can elevate and contribute innovations to the national effort).
  • Demonstrate, document, package, and widely disseminate a model for climate equity and carbon neutrality planning that Chinese cities nationwide can replicate. 

Program Materials
