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Adaptation & Resilience

Upper Texas Gulf Coast Regional Resilience Initiative

Upper Texas Gulf Coast Regional Resilience Initiative (UTRI) Over the past two decades, the Upper Texas Gulf Coast region has experienced an increase in flooding, or conversely, extreme heat and drought. Weather patterns are increasing in [...]

Resilient Connections: Maricopa County

ISC conducted a resilience assessment and assisted with network building for Maricopa County to improve social service delivery and climate change resilience.

Partnership for Resilient Communities

PRC supports community-based organizations led by people of color in championing climate resilience-building initiatives that elevate the voices and priorities of their communities.

Women + Water Alliance

Connecting factories with the means to build water resilience for sustainable business, stronger communities, and women.

Puget Sound Climate Preparedness Collaborative

ISC supported the advancement of the Puget Sound Climate Preparedness Collaborative, a local network working together to enhance regional coordination and advance climate change preparedness in Puget Sound.

Solar Market Pathways

Coordinating and disseminating the work of 14 projects as they forge pathways to new solar markets, and lower the cost of renewable energy

Resilient Regions Initiative

Worked with 12 metro-regions throughout the United States to uncover and systematize approaches to create regional approaches to climate resilience.

Resilient Vermont

Developed a shared framework for resilience in Vermont. Created and helped implement a Roadmap to Resilience with statewide stakeholder input.

Western Adaptation Alliance (WAA)

The Alliance brought together 13 cities in the Southwest U.S. with similar climate adaptation challenges to develop and implement strategies and programs.

Gulf Coast Resilient Communities

ISC helped small Gulf Coast communities respond to and rebound after shocks in the wake of Hurricane Katrina by advancing existing local initiatives.