EHS+ Network
The EHS+ Network is a global partnership that connects our EHS+ Centers in China, Bangladesh and India. Factory managers in each of these countries interact, learn and share ideas on improving the sustainability of supply chains throughout Asia.


Megan Yu
Director, U.S. Programs

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“Eastside Community Network has established many new partnerships resulting from our PRC grant. Within the City of Detroit, we now sit on the Green Task Force, the Land and Water Works committee, the Green Infrastructure Mapping Committee, the Open Space Planning Committee and the Detroit Environmental Agenda. Although, we have longstanding involvement in green infrastructure, ECN was not seen as a leader in this work until we joined the PRC.”
The PRC has influenced work in these places by working to:
- Promote physical and economic resilience in climate-vulnerable communities; supporting the technical assistance and resources needs of the community leaders and organizations.
- Fostering the transformation of the urban climate resilience field in the U.S. to be more equity- and people-centered by broadly and strategically sharing the experience, knowledge, policies, and practices generated by PRC partners and other leaders of color.
The PRC partners with community-based organizations that are:
- Led-by people of color.
- Serving urban communities of color that are most vulnerable to climate change.
- Demonstrating the desire to influence their local climate agenda.
PRC partners participate in virtual and in-person peer-learning activities where they share and receive knowledge and expertise, receive technical assistance, training and coaching, and receive strategic financial support.
To date, the PRC has influenced equitable resilience-building work in Baltimore, Baltimore County, Detroit, Kansas City, Milwaukee, New Orleans, and Pittsburgh.