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Nathaniel [...]
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“Leadership on the climate challenge must now come from cities, states, the business community and organizations like ISC. We can no longer rely [...]
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Our partners say it best—empowering community-based organizations and the residents [...]
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For Immediate Release: December 14, 2017Contacts:Beth Gibbons, American Society of Adaptation Professionals, Executive DirectorEmail: [...]
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Empowering residents to lead resilience efforts is critical to developing solutions that are responsive and relevant to all members of a community. [...]
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In 2016 alone, the community solar market quadrupled, with 101 community solar projects installing more than 108 megawatts of shared solar across the [...]
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Monday was Resilience Day at the White House (which we think is almost as much fun as Big Block of Cheese Day) and we’re seeing a whole bunch of great [...]
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This year, ISC is turning 25. In addition to holding celebrations in Washington DC, New York, Boston and Vermont, we’re talking to organizations [...]
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ISC China Communications Manager Huang Wei shared this great success story from our nonprofit partner in Xiaolan.The Zhongshan Xiaolan Low Carbon [...]
Ended soonThis post is by ISC’s President George Hamilton.
Thanksgiving is a great time for reflecting on the people and institutions who have meant so much to myself and to ISC – like the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and its early [...]
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For Immediate Release: April 7, 2015Creating “Smart Cities” Takes People PowerUSDN Releases Report Assessing Technology Opportunities and Challenges [...]
Ended soonThis post written by Stephanie Rust.
In my day-to-day work I rarely stop to think about what ISC was doing ten years ago, but I was prompted to do so last month when Andriy Skipalskyi, a former ISC staff member from the Ukraine [...]