Low Emissions Cities Alliance
As the world’s largest CO2 emitter, China’s role in reducing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is critical. China’s emissions have a direct relationship to the environmental health of the region and beyond, with air pollution reaching as far as the Western United States. Significant emissions reductions in China will benefit the entire world.
The Low Emissions Cities Alliance program is a $10 million partnership funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Energy Foundation China (EFC), and implemented by the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC). Working with stakeholders in the public and private sectors, this three-year program will help 12 selected partner cities to significantly accelerate their emissions reductions.
The program will accelerate emissions reductions more broadly throughout China by creating a network of Chinese trainers and supporting the expansion of national-level policies and regulations that draw upon best practices. Capacity building and policy support will be customized to participating cities’ priorities.
The Low Emissions Cities Alliance will include city exchanges between China and the United States. These exchanges will provide cities from both countries with opportunities to share strategies and approaches to similar challenges. In addition, the program will provide market opportunities for U.S. businesses, particularly in the energy and technology sectors. As the program team works with Chinese cities to implement their early peaking strategies, mutual benefits will result from engagement with U.S. companies that offer relevant technologies and services addressing urban priorities.
The program provides local Chinese leaders from the targeted urban areas with customized technical assistance to support their ability to meet emissions reduction and low-carbon development targets, and helps the participating urban areas to implement their plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and engage in low-carbon development.
