Ways to Give
Will you join us in unleashing the power of communities to shape innovative climate and sustainability solutions?
We’d love to help you to find the philanthropic opportunity that works best for you.
Make a secure online donation today, or explore one of these other ways to give:
Mail a check to this address:
Institute for Sustainable Communities
Attn: Development
535 Stone Cutters Way
Montpelier, VT 05602
Or donate by credit card over the phone by calling: 802-229-2900
Scheduling withdrawals from your bank account (ACH) offers added convenience and saves on processing fees over time. This service is available offline only. Please call 802-229-2900 with your bank account and routing number to set up an ACH gift. You may alternately mail a voided check to our VT address indicating that you’d like to set up a recurring gift and including the amount and frequency of your gift. Our PCI compliant credit processor will then verify your account my making two micro-deposits (under $1). Once the deposits have posted, please contact ISC by phone or email with the micro-deposit amounts to proceed with scheduled donations.
Many companies match gifts made by employees to nonprofit organizations. Increase the impact of your gift by asking your employer to match your contributions to ISC. ISC’s Tax ID# is 22-3098727.
When you donate securities held longer than one year, you avoid paying capital gains taxes and receive a charitable deduction for the full market value of the stock. Additionally, gifts of appreciated assets are deductible up to 30% of your adjusted gross income, and any excess may be carried over for use in future tax years.
The following information will enable your broker to facilitate an electronic stock transfer:
Brokerage Firm: Raymond James and Associates
DTC Number: 0725
Ref: Institute for Sustainable Communities
Account Number: 43143909
Tax ID: 22-3098727
Account Contact: Brigette White
Email: brigette.white@raymondjames.com
Phone: (802) 865-8055, ext. 2316
To ensure proper credit, please notify ISC when you make a gift.
People age 70½ and older can donate up to $100,000 directly to public charities like ISC from their individual retirement accounts (IRAs) without it being counted as taxable income. The gift can be used as your required minimum distribution. Have your financial institution issue the check directly to ISC, and be sure to make the gift by December 31 to qualify in this tax year. Contact your IRA provider or visit their website to obtain a simple form to fill out.
Donor-advised funds allow you to manage your charitable giving simply and efficiently. You can direct a DAF gift to ISC through your provider using the Tax ID #22-3098727 and our Montpelier, VT address.
If you have a fund with a large provider such as Fidelity Charitable, you can use this tool to direct a gift to ISC. Please note you will be directed to an external website to complete your transaction.
This year for your birthday, wedding, or anniversary, consider empowering your loved ones to spark change by donating to ISC in lieu of buying you gifts. If you are a Facebook user, the Facebook Fundraiser platform can be an easy way to engage your network.
You can also raise funds by creating your own fundraiser through our peer-to-peer fundraising platform. Please contact the Development Team for help setting up your ISC fundraiser.