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Team ISC

Passionate. Skilled. Pragmatic.

Spanning four countries and 15 cities, ISC staff brings their diverse knowledge, insight, and experience to actualize ISC’s mission of helping communities around the world address environmental, economic, and social challenges to build a better future shaped and shared by all. Learn more about our amazing teams below.

Dexter D. Cohen, IEI
Angel Eason - Associate Director, Program Operations - Chesapeake, VA, USA
Breanna Edwards
Breanna Edwards - Associate Director, Marketing and Communications - Washington, DC, USA
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Cora Martin - Senior Program Coordinator - Los Angeles, CA, USA
Craig Osman Freeland Jr - Program Officer - Lanham, Maryland, USA
Dalia Rahel Caplan - Director of MEL - Denver, CO, USA
Dan Dickerman, ISC program officer
Daniel Dickerman - Senior Program Officer - Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Daniel Wald - Vice President, International Programs - Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
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Darian Sylvester - Senior Budget and Operations Associate, - Atlanta, GA, USA
Devin Jefferson - Program Officer - Richmond, VA, USA
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Franccesca Cesti-Browne - Vice President, Finance & Operations - Miami, Florida, USA
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Geng Yu - Urban Program Manager - Beijing, China
Holly Moon
Holly Moon - Associate Director, Philanthropy - Oswego, NY
Ireon Weaver - Program Assistant - New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
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Katie Crown - Development Systems Manager and Salesforce Administrator - Montpelier, VT, USA
Katie Lewis - Staff Accountant - Groveton, NH, USA
Kendra Norrell - Senior Program Officer - Richmond, VA, USA
Khilia Logan - Senior Program Officer - Petersburg, VA, USA
Lauren Dennis (web)
Lauren Dennis - Associate Chief of Staff - Montpelier, VT, USA
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Marla Cherney - Communications Officer, Creative & Digital - Chicago, IL, USA
Moazzam Ali Shaim website
Md. Moazzam Ali Shaim - Director, Finance & Business Development Dhaka, Bangladesh
Mike wetherell
Michael Wetherell - Associate Director, Grants & Operations - Montpelier, VT, USA
Michelle Sanguinetti - Vice President, People and Culture - Atlanta, GA, USA
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Nicole Waters - People & Culture Manager - Gaithersburg, MD, USA
Pan Tao
Pan Tao - Director, China Program - Beijing, China
Patricio Saavedra - Climate Data Analyst - Central LA, USA
Paula Farnell_HS
Paula Farnell - Grants Administrator - Hubert, NC, USA
Pratap Singh
Pratap Singh - Accounts Officer - New Delhi, India
Rachelle Sanderson - Senior Program Officer - Hammond, LA, USA
Rafiqa ShaBazz Brinkley - Program Assistant - Richmond, VA, USA
Rebecca Kaduru - President - Nashville, TN, USA
Ronak Mehta web
Ronak Harshad Mehta - Admin Officer -Mumbai, India
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Russell Paez - Director, Government Programs - Seattle, WA, USA
Sam Schipani - Communications Officer - Bangor, ME, USA
Shayla Zimmerman_HS
Shayla Zimmerman - Program Officer - Detroit, MI, USA
Smita Chakravarty - Senior Program Officer, Energy & Environment - New Delhi, India
Xiaoling (Megan) Yu - Chief China Representative - Beijing, China
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Yana Shevtsova - Grants Administrator - Irvine, California, USA